Wondering When It Gets Easier, Mama? Why it's harder than you imagined to mother an older infant +7 tips to help you through

Wondering When It Gets Easier, Mama? Why it's harder than you imagined to mother an older infant +7 tips to help you through

Your baby is 6 months. Perhaps 8 or 10 months old. You thought you'd "have it together" by now. Or at least feel like a version of your former self. You've managed to piece together some semblance of a routine and take care of the basics- you go food shopping, hit the park after the second nap occasionally. But you feel anything but together. 

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You Think Someone You Love Has PPD? Why YOU Need to Speak Up!

You Think Someone You Love Has PPD? Why YOU Need to Speak Up!

If you don’t speak up, the person you love might not get the help they need! Many women suffer in silence. Too many.  More than 20 percent of moms are diagnosed with PPD; however, a recent study by BabyCenter shows that 40 percent do not seek medical help they need due to feelings of embarrassment, guilt and the expectation that they can get over it without professional help. There are many risks to mom and baby if postpartum depression or anxiety goes untreated, including:

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